Universal chat bypasser - Pastebin.com (2024)

  1. local Fluent = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://github.com/dawid-scripts/Fluent/releases/latest/download/main.lua"))()

  2. local SaveManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dawid-scripts/Fluent/master/Addons/SaveManager.lua"))()

  3. local InterfaceManager = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dawid-scripts/Fluent/master/Addons/InterfaceManager.lua"))()

  4. local Window = Fluent:CreateWindow({

  5. Title = "CandyHub | Fun Universal Chat " .. Fluent.Version,

  6. SubTitle = "by flames (https://discord.gg/NZU9zq5gMu)",

  7. TabWidth = 160,

  8. Size = UDim2.fromOffset(580, 460),

  9. Acrylic = true, -- The blur may be detectable, setting this to false disables blur entirely

  10. Theme = "Dark"

  11. })

  12. --Fluent provides Lucide Icons https://lucide.dev/icons/ for the tabs, icons are optional

  13. local Tabs = {

  14. Main = Window:AddTab({ Title = "Main", Icon = "" }),

  15. }

  16. local Options = Fluent.Options

  17. local Players = game:GetService("Players")

  18. local player = Players.LocalPlayer

  19. local chat = game:GetService("Chat")

  20. -- Mapping of characters to their underlined version

  21. local strikethroughMapping = {

  22. ["a"] = "a̶", ["b"] = "b̶", ["c"] = "c̶", ["d"] = "d̶",

  23. ["e"] = "e̶", ["f"] = "f̶", ["g"] = "g̶", ["h"] = "h̶",

  24. ["i"] = "i̶", ["j"] = "j̶", ["k"] = "k̶", ["l"] = "l̶",

  25. ["m"] = "m̶", ["n"] = "n̶", ["o"] = "o̶", ["p"] = "p̶",

  26. ["q"] = "q̶", ["r"] = "r̶", ["s"] = "s̶", ["t"] = "t̶",

  27. ["u"] = "u̶", ["v"] = "v̶", ["w"] = "w̶", ["x"] = "x̶",

  28. ["y"] = "y̶", ["z"] = "z̶",

  29. ["A"] = "A̶", ["B"] = "B̶", ["C"] = "C̶", ["D"] = "D̶",

  30. ["E"] = "E̶", ["F"] = "F̶", ["G"] = "G̶", ["H"] = "H̶",

  31. ["I"] = "I̶", ["J"] = "J̶", ["K"] = "K̶", ["L"] = "L̶",

  32. ["M"] = "M̶", ["N"] = "N̶", ["O"] = "O̶", ["P"] = "P̶",

  33. ["Q"] = "Q̶", ["R"] = "R̶", ["S"] = "S̶", ["T"] = "T̶",

  34. ["U"] = "U̶", ["V"] = "V̶", ["W"] = "W̶", ["X"] = "X̶",

  35. ["Y"] = "Y̶", ["Z"] = "Z̶"

  36. }

  37. local function strikethroughWord(word)

  38. local result = ""

  39. for i = 1, #word do

  40. local char = word:sub(i,i)

  41. result = result .. (strikethroughMapping[char] or char)

  42. end

  43. return result

  44. end

  45. local Input = Tabs.Main:AddInput("Input", {

  46. Title = "Chat Bypass",

  47. Default = "",

  48. Placeholder = "Type...",

  49. Numeric = false,

  50. Finished = true, -- This should be true, so that it calls the callback when you press enter

  51. Callback = function(Value)

  52. local transformed = strikethroughWord(Value)

  53. -- Send the transformed message to everyone

  54. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(transformed, "All")

  55. end

  56. })

  57. Input:OnChanged(function()

  58. print("Input updated:", Input.Value)

  59. end)

  60. local alphabetToEmojiMapping = {

  61. ["a"] = "🍎", ["b"] = "🍌", ["c"] = "🍒", ["d"] = "🍇",

  62. ["e"] = "🍉", ["f"] = "🍓", ["g"] = "🍍", ["h"] = "🍋",

  63. ["i"] = "🍦", ["j"] = "🍊", ["k"] = "🍏", ["l"] = "🍋",

  64. ["m"] = "🍄", ["n"] = "🍜", ["o"] = "🍩", ["p"] = "🍕",

  65. ["q"] = "🍭", ["r"] = "🍓", ["s"] = "🍨", ["t"] = "🍅",

  66. ["u"] = "🍇", ["v"] = "🍆", ["w"] = "🍉", ["x"] = "🍋",

  67. ["y"] = "🍦", ["z"] = "🍑",

  68. ["1"] = "1️⃣", ["2"] = "2️⃣", ["3"] = "3️⃣", ["4"] = "4️⃣",

  69. ["5"] = "5️⃣", ["6"] = "6️⃣", ["7"] = "7️⃣", ["8"] = "8️⃣",

  70. ["9"] = "9️⃣", ["0"] = "0️⃣",

  71. ["."] = "🔵", ["?"] = "❓", ["!"] = "❗", [","] = "⏭️",

  72. ["'"] = "✍️", ["\""] = "💬", ["("] = "👈", [")"] = "👉",

  73. ["-"] = "➖", ["+"] = "➕", ["="] = "🔀", ["*"] = "✴️",

  74. ["/"] = "➗", ["\\"] = "⤵️"

  75. -- ... add any other characters as needed ...

  76. }

  77. local function textToEmoji(text)

  78. local emojiMessage = ""

  79. for i = 1, #text do

  80. local char = text:sub(i,i)

  81. emojiMessage = emojiMessage .. (alphabetToEmojiMapping[char] or char) -- if character not in our mapping, just use the original character

  82. end

  83. return emojiMessage

  84. end

  85. local EmojiInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("EmojiInput", {

  86. Title = "Emoji Input",

  87. Default = "",

  88. Placeholder = "Type...",

  89. Numeric = false,

  90. Finished = true,

  91. Callback = function(Value)

  92. local emojiMessage = textToEmoji(Value)

  93. -- Send the emoji message to everyone

  94. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(emojiMessage, "All")

  95. end

  96. })

  97. EmojiInput:OnChanged(function()

  98. print("Input updated:", EmojiInput.Value)

  99. end)

  100. local inversionMapping = {

  101. ["a"] = "ɐ", ["b"] = "q", ["c"] = "ɔ", ["d"] = "p", ["e"] = "ǝ", ["f"] = "ɟ",

  102. ["g"] = "ƃ", ["h"] = "ɥ", ["i"] = "ı", ["j"] = "ɾ", ["k"] = "ʞ", ["l"] = "l",

  103. ["m"] = "ɯ", ["n"] = "u", ["o"] = "o", ["p"] = "d", ["q"] = "b", ["r"] = "ɹ",

  104. ["s"] = "s", ["t"] = "ʇ", ["u"] = "n", ["v"] = "ʌ", ["w"] = "ʍ", ["x"] = "x",

  105. ["y"] = "ʎ", ["z"] = "z",

  106. ["A"] = "∀", ["B"] = "𐐒", ["C"] = "Ɔ", ["D"] = "ᗡ", ["E"] = "Ɛ",

  107. ["F"] = "Ⅎ", ["G"] = "⅁", ["H"] = "H", ["I"] = "I", ["J"] = "ſ",

  108. ["K"] = "⋊", ["L"] = "⅂", ["M"] = "W", ["N"] = "N", ["O"] = "O",

  109. ["P"] = "Ԁ", ["Q"] = "Q", ["R"] = "ᴚ", ["S"] = "S", ["T"] = "⊥",

  110. ["U"] = "∩", ["V"] = "Λ", ["W"] = "M", ["X"] = "X", ["Y"] = "⅄", ["Z"] = "Z",

  111. ["."] = "˙", ["?"] = "¿", ["!"] = "¡", [","] = "'",

  112. ["'"] = ",", ["\""] = ",,", ["("] = ")", [")"] = "(", ["{"] = "}", ["}"] = "{",

  113. ["<"] = ">", [">"] = "<", ["["] = "]", ["]"] = "[", ["_"] = "‾", ["&"] = "⅋",

  114. ["1"] = "⇂", ["2"] = "ᔭ", ["3"] = "Ɛ", ["4"] = "ᔤ", ["5"] = "S",

  115. ["6"] = "9", ["7"] = "â±¢", ["8"] = "8", ["9"] = "6", ["0"] = "0",

  116. ["-"] = "-", ["+"] = "+", ["="] = "=", ["*"] = "*", ["/"] = "/",

  117. ["\\"] = "\\", ["|"] = "|", ["$"] = "S", ["%"] = "%", ["#"] = "#",

  118. ["@"] = "@", ["^"] = "^", ["&"] = "⅋", [";"] = ";", [":"] = ":"

  119. -- ... add any other characters as needed ...

  120. }

  121. local function invertText(text)

  122. local invertedMessage = ""

  123. for i = #text, 1, -1 do -- We start from the end to the beginning to invert the order as well

  124. local char = text:sub(i,i)

  125. invertedMessage = invertedMessage .. (inversionMapping[char] or char)

  126. -- if character not in our mapping, just use the original character

  127. end

  128. return invertedMessage

  129. end

  130. local UpsideDownInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("UpsideDownInput", {

  131. Title = "Upside Down Input",

  132. Default = "",

  133. Placeholder = "Type...",

  134. Numeric = false,

  135. Finished = true,

  136. Callback = function(Value)

  137. local invertedMessage = invertText(Value)

  138. -- Send the inverted message to everyone

  139. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(invertedMessage, "All")

  140. end

  141. })

  142. UpsideDownInput:OnChanged(function()

  143. print("Input updated:", UpsideDownInput.Value)

  144. end)

  145. -- SpongeBob Mocking Text

  146. local function mockingText(text)

  147. local result = ""

  148. for i = 1, #text do

  149. local char = text:sub(i, i)

  150. if math.random(2) == 1 then -- 50% chance to capitalize

  151. result = result .. char:upper()

  152. else

  153. result = result .. char:lower()

  154. end

  155. end

  156. return result

  157. end

  158. -- Bubble Text

  159. local bubbleMapping = {

  160. ["a"] = "ⓐ", ["b"] = "ⓑ", ["c"] = "ⓒ", ["d"] = "ⓓ", ["e"] = "ⓔ",

  161. ["f"] = "ⓕ", ["g"] = "ⓖ", ["h"] = "ⓗ", ["i"] = "ⓘ", ["j"] = "ⓙ",

  162. ["k"] = "ⓚ", ["l"] = "ⓛ", ["m"] = "ⓜ", ["n"] = "ⓝ", ["o"] = "ⓞ",

  163. ["p"] = "ⓟ", ["q"] = "â“", ["r"] = "ⓡ", ["s"] = "ⓢ", ["t"] = "ⓣ",

  164. ["u"] = "ⓤ", ["v"] = "ⓥ", ["w"] = "ⓦ", ["x"] = "ⓧ", ["y"] = "ⓨ", ["z"] = "ⓩ",

  165. ["A"] = "Ⓐ", ["B"] = "Ⓑ", ["C"] = "Ⓒ", ["D"] = "Ⓓ", ["E"] = "Ⓔ",

  166. ["F"] = "Ⓕ", ["G"] = "Ⓖ", ["H"] = "Ⓗ", ["I"] = "Ⓘ", ["J"] = "Ⓙ",

  167. ["K"] = "Ⓚ", ["L"] = "Ⓛ", ["M"] = "Ⓜ", ["N"] = "Ⓝ", ["O"] = "Ⓞ",

  168. ["P"] = "Ⓟ", ["Q"] = "Ⓠ", ["R"] = "Ⓡ", ["S"] = "Ⓢ", ["T"] = "Ⓣ",

  169. ["U"] = "Ⓤ", ["V"] = "Ⓥ", ["W"] = "Ⓦ", ["X"] = "Ⓧ", ["Y"] = "Ⓨ", ["Z"] = "Ⓩ"

  170. }

  171. local function bubbleText(text)

  172. local result = ""

  173. for i = 1, #text do

  174. local char = text:sub(i, i):lower() -- Convert to lowercase for mapping

  175. result = result .. (bubbleMapping[char] or char)

  176. end

  177. return result

  178. end

  179. -- Mocking Input

  180. local MockingInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("MockingInput", {

  181. Title = "Mocking Input",

  182. Default = "",

  183. Placeholder = "Type...",

  184. Numeric = false,

  185. Finished = true,

  186. Callback = function(Value)

  187. local transformed = mockingText(Value)

  188. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(transformed, "All")

  189. end

  190. })

  191. -- Bubble Input

  192. local BubbleInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("BubbleInput", {

  193. Title = "Bubble Input",

  194. Default = "",

  195. Placeholder = "Type...",

  196. Numeric = false,

  197. Finished = true,

  198. Callback = function(Value)

  199. local transformed = bubbleText(Value)

  200. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(transformed, "All")

  201. end

  202. })

  203. -- Whenever the inputs are changed

  204. MockingInput:OnChanged(function()

  205. print("Mocking Input updated:", MockingInput.Value)

  206. end)

  207. BubbleInput:OnChanged(function()

  208. print("Bubble Input updated:", BubbleInput.Value)

  209. end)

  210. local function toPigLatin(word)

  211. if word == "" then return "" end

  212. -- If the word starts with a vowel, just add "yay" at the end

  213. local firstChar = word:sub(1,1):lower()

  214. if firstChar == 'a' or firstChar == 'e' or firstChar == 'i' or firstChar == 'o' or firstChar == 'u' then

  215. return word .. "yay"

  216. else

  217. -- Otherwise, move initial consonants to the end and add "ay"

  218. local rest = word:match('[aeiou].*$')

  219. if rest then

  220. return rest .. word:sub(1, #word-#rest) .. "ay"

  221. else

  222. -- In case there's no vowel, just return the word + "ay"

  223. return word .. "ay"

  224. end

  225. end

  226. end

  227. local pigLatinInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("Pig Latin", {

  228. Title = "Pig Latin",

  229. Default = "",

  230. Placeholder = "Type here",

  231. Numeric = false,

  232. Finished = true,

  233. Callback = function(Value)

  234. local words = {} -- Split the input string into words

  235. for w in Value:gmatch("%S+") do

  236. table.insert(words, toPigLatin(w))

  237. end

  238. local translatedMessage = table.concat(words, " ")

  239. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(translatedMessage, "All")

  240. end

  241. })

  242. local morseMapping = {

  243. ["a"] = ".-", ["b"] = "-...", ["c"] = "-.-.", ["d"] = "-..", ["e"] = ".", ["f"] = "..-.", ["g"] = "--.",

  244. ["h"] = "....", ["i"] = "..", ["j"] = ".---", ["k"] = "-.-", ["l"] = ".-..", ["m"] = "--", ["n"] = "-.",

  245. ["o"] = "---", ["p"] = ".--.", ["q"] = "--.-", ["r"] = ".-.", ["s"] = "...", ["t"] = "-", ["u"] = "..-",

  246. ["v"] = "...-", ["w"] = ".--", ["x"] = "-..-", ["y"] = "-.--", ["z"] = "--..",

  247. ["1"] = ".----", ["2"] = "..---", ["3"] = "...--", ["4"] = "....-", ["5"] = ".....",

  248. ["6"] = "-....", ["7"] = "--...", ["8"] = "---..", ["9"] = "----.", ["0"] = "-----",

  249. ["."] = ".-.-.-", [","] = "--..--", ["?"] = "..--..", ["'"] = ".----.", ["!"] = "-.-.--", ["/"] = "-..-.",

  250. ["("] = "-.--.", [")"] = "-.--.-", ["&"] = ".-...", [":"] = "---...", [";"] = "-.-.-.", ["="] = "-...-",

  251. ["+"] = ".-.-.", ["-"] = "-....-", ["_"] = "..--.-", ["\""] = ".-..-.", ["$"] = "...-..-", ["@"] = ".--.-."

  252. }

  253. local function toMorseCode(text)

  254. return text:lower():gsub(".", function(char)

  255. return morseMapping[char] or char

  256. end)

  257. end

  258. local morseInput = Tabs.Main:AddInput("Morse Code", {

  259. Title = "Morse Code",

  260. Default = "",

  261. Placeholder = "Type here",

  262. Numeric = false,

  263. Finished = true,

  264. Callback = function(Value)

  265. local translatedMessage = ""

  266. for i=1, #Value do

  267. local char = Value:sub(i,i):lower() -- convert to lowercase for mapping

  268. translatedMessage = translatedMessage .. (morseMapping[char] or char) .. " " -- default to char if not in mapping

  269. end

  270. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents"):WaitForChild("SayMessageRequest"):FireServer(translatedMessage, "All")

  271. end

  272. })

Universal chat bypasser - Pastebin.com (2024)
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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

Last Updated:

Views: 5307

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.