15. Shiva Extreme Weapon
A Weapon that can be earned as early as A Realm Reborn, the weapon from Shiva’s Extreme Trial.
Shiva's Extreme Trial is available from the A Realm Reborn era, and if players have a battle job of level 80 or higher, it is very easy to solo this extreme trial using the Duty Finder's unsynced option.
What makes their weapon great:
- Very easy to farm, as it is only a level 50 extreme trial and easy to clear with a level 80 battle job, let alone 90.
- It is beautiful, with a diamond-like design and shine to it.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details:https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Akh_Afah_Amphitheatre_(Extreme)
14. Moogle Extreme Weapon
Another Weapon that can be earned from early in the game in A Realm Reborn era.
Moogle Extreme Weapons, like the first entry in this article, are easy to obtain and are shiny and cute.
What makes their weapon great:
- They are very easy to farm solo, and even faster with a friend (but it is not necessary to bring another person).
- They have a moogle design in the weapons, which make it unique and cute, and might suit people’s tastes that want a more unique looking weapon.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Thornmarch_(Extreme)
13. Heaven-on-High Weapons
These weapons can be earned through grinding Heaven-on-High, the second Deep Dungeon available in the game.
Heaven-on-High is the game's second Deep Dungeon, introduced in the Stormblood era, where players can grind for levels 61 and up.
What makes their weapon great:
- It has a shiny sheen to it that is attractive and caught immediate attention from other players.
- Players can grind this weapon while levelling up their alt battle jobs’ levels from 61 to 70 or even above.
- There are also many rare rewards that can be earned from Heaven-on-High, like mounts.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details:https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/deepdungeon2/
12. Palace of the Dead Weapons
Another weapon that can be earned through deep dungeons, this time from Palace of the Dead.
Palace of the Dead is the game's first Deep Dungeon, where players can grind for levels as well as shiny weapons.
What makes their weapon great:
- It has two versions, both with a shiny glow that attract the attention of the eyes almost immediately.
- It is available in A Realm Reborn era, which means that free trial and newcomer players can get this weapon as well.
- The grind, while long, does not require too much skill as opposed to Ultimate Weapons.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/deepdungeon/
11. Byakko Extreme Trial Weapons
Another extreme trial weapon, this one is dropped from Byakko’s Extreme Trial, or crafted from the material dropped in the same trial.
This is another weapon that players can obtain easily by completing one of the Stormblood era's extreme trials, Byakko's Extreme trial.
What makes their weapon great:
- It is from the Stormblood era, which means that currently in the Endwalker era, the weapon is much easier to grind compared to some others.
- It has a unique, flaming design to it that attracted many players to want to get them.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Jade_Stoa_(Extreme)
10. Hades Trial Weapons
The shiny weapon earned or crafted by a drop from Hades’ extreme trial.
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades' Elegy, the next weapon on this list, is a weapon from Hades' extreme trial.
What makes their weapon great:
- It has a unique, dark shine to it that is not available in many other weapons.
- The design is very beautiful and reminiscent to Hades’ own weapon that he used in the fight.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Minstrel%27s_Ballad:_Hades%27s_Elegy
9. Tsukuyomi Trial Weapons
The shiny weapon earned or crafted by a drop from Tsukuyomi’s extreme trial.
The following weapon is from Tsukuyomi's extreme trial, The Minstrel's Ballad; Tsukuyomi's Pain.
What makes their weapon great:
- Tsukuyomi’s Trial is an extreme trial introduced in the Stormblood expansion.
- It has a really beautiful, nice shine that people love.
- Now that Endwalker has come, it is way easier to cheese this extreme trial through unsynced runs.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Minstrel%27s_Ballad:_Tsukuyomi%27s_Pain
8. Resistance Relic Weapons
The latest relic weapons in the game is introduced in Shadowbringers
What makes their weapon great:
- It is the newest relic on the block, which means that it is still new and fresh to the game.
- They look great even at the first stage of the relic weapon grind.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Resistance_Weapons
7. Eureka Relic Weapon
The third relic weapon series introduced in the game, but this time with a whole new instance.
Eureka Relic Weapon is the game's third relic weapon series, and it comes with a new whole instance, actually four new whole instances.
What makes their weapon great:
- It is quite rare, since it is not too old and a lot of people are unwilling to go through Eureka instances because of the time investment.
- They look good, and have many stages where players can stop when they want it to look.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Eurekan_Weapons
6. Anima Relic Weapon
The second relic weapon series introduced in the game.
Anima Relic Weapons are the game's second relic weapon series, appearing specifically in the Heavensward expansion.
What makes their weapon great:
- Much easier to get compared to other relic weapons in the game.
- Looks very good, with a unique shine and beautiful glow to it.
- Does not require much grind as compared to other relics in the game.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Anima_Weapons
5. Zodiac Relic Weapon
The last stage of Zeta Relic for Dragoons.
Since A Realm Reborn, Zodiac Relics have been the game's first relic weapon series. Even now, it is one of the most difficult weapon series to obtain.
What makes their weapon great:
- It is one of the hardest weapon series to get, which makes it a very rare weapon that players can get.
- It has many stages and a lot of them look brilliant, so players can choose which stage they want to use or stop on.
- It is still one of the rarest relic weapons to get until now.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Relic_Weapons
4. Hydaelyn’s Weapons
One of the newest extreme trials in Endwalker.
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn is one of the newest extreme trials raids in Endwalker, and it also grants beautiful weapons, though they are not yet shiny.
What makes their weapon great:
- It is one of the newest weapons added to the game, which makes it a beautiful, still new weapon for players to get.
- It is also one of the most powerful weapons in the game currently, and players can use this weapon on their main characters.
- It has a beautiful blue crystal adorning the weapon.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Minstrel%27s_Ballad:_Hydaelyn%27s_Call
3. The Weapon’s Refrain Weapons
The first Ultimate Raid
The Weapon's Refrain is the first ultimate raid included in the Stormblood expansion, and completing it rewards the player with a shiny blue weapon.
What makes their weapon great:
- Still one of the rarest weapons in the game.
- The weapon has a design that is similar to Bahamut’s body.
- Players recognize this weapon to be one of the hardest to get.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Weapon%27s_Refrain
2. The Unending Coils of Bahamut’s weapons
The shiny weapons from beating one of the ultimate raids.
UCOB, or The Unending Coil of Bahamut, is another ultimate raid introduced in the Stormblood expansion, similar to The Weapon's Refrain.
What makes their weapon great:
- Still one of the rarest weapons in the game.
- The weapon has a design that is similar to Bahamut’s body.
- Players recognize this weapon to be one of the hardest to get.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Unending_Coil_of_Bahamut_(Ultimate)
1. The Epic of Alexander’s weapons
The shiny weapons from the current hardest ultimate raid in Final Fantasy XIV.
The Epic of Alexander, like the previous entry in this article, is another ultimate raid available in the game, introduced in the Shadowbringers expansion.
What makes their weapon great:
- One of the rarest weapons in the game.
- Feel proud of it when you finally beat the hardest raid in the game.
- One of the shiniest weapons out there with incredible design.
How to Get this weapon:
Weapon details: https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Epic_of_Alexander_(Ultimate)
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