Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (2024)


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by Jessica August 20, 2015

I’m giving you… a summer hug in a bowl.

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (1)

You need it right?

I totally need it.

WE need it!

Hug it out.

Sometimes you just need a hug in the summer but it’s about 200 degrees outside and it must come in bowl form. Truelife: it’s too hot for anyone to touch me.

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (2)

So seriously. Are you sick of corn yet? Do I ask you this every single year at this time?

I hope not because I just made another fantastic recipe with it yesterday! After that I will be done. I think.

I hope. (not.) I hope not.

Eating seasonally is just the best. Grilled corn goes with EVERYTHING. I have yet to figure out what it doesn’t go with.

Because I already made ice cream with it so yeah, there’s that.

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (3)

Let’s talk about all of the delicious things in this skillet:

sh*ttakes! (which my mom has absolutely called sh*t takes.)

tons of grilled corn (really is anyone shocked)

a bit of cream (or a lot)

these adorable mini gnocchi

lots o’ parm.


summer hugs and feelings all around.

Ugh. So many delicious things in the form of summer comfort food. And it doesn’t take forever to make either – and it doesn’t heat up the entire house. Plus plus. That’s a huge plus.

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (4)

I have made a couple versions of this skillet since early spring and it never fails – you will find my standing over the stove eating the gnocchi forkful by forkful because it’s insanely delicious and bite sized. Bite sized is the best part!

It’s one dish that barely makes it to Eddie’s plate because I want to devour it myself.

Oh and you can easily switch up your favorite ingredients depending on the season or toss in some cherry tomatoes, chicken, spinach or poblanos to add a bit of heat. I just loooove that it’s a bit creamy whilethe texture is still light. It’s kind of all my favorite things incorporated into one dinner and I am all about using up every thing in this darn garden. A garden hug!

That’s what it is.

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (5)

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (6)

Yield: 2 to 4

Total Time: 45 minutes mins

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  • Heat a large skillet over medium-low heat and add the olive oil and butter. Once the butter has melted, add the onion and stir. Cook until softened, about 6 o 8 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute. Stir in the mushrooms. Cook for 5 to 6 minutes, stirring often, until they soften. Season the mixture with the salt and the pepper.

  • [At this time I usually cook the gnocchi according to package directions!]

  • Increase the heat to medium. Slowly stream in the half and half, stirring the entire time, scraping any flavor bits from the bottom. I start with about 1/2 cup but add a little more as I go if needed. Stir in the parmesan cheese. Taste and season additionally if desired. Toss in the grilled corn and gnocchi, stirring to coat. Add a bit more cheese on top, along with the basil and oregano.

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Italian

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I appreciate you so much!

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (7)

squeeeze. <that’s your hug.

posted in: Dinner, Pasta, Recipes, Summer, Video, Weeknight Meals 53 comments

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    53 Comments on “Summer Skillet Gnocchi.”

  1. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (9)

    Rachel Cooks Reply

    I’ll gladly take that summer hug and never let go! I love this so much! I am obsessing over the mini gnocchi. Full-size gnocchi can be a little much sometimes (so chewy!). I love that these mini guys wouldn’t overpower the other ingredients.

  2. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (10)

    Lisa (Panning The Globe) Reply

    Yes, I do need this! I adore gnocchi – this is such a great way to keep it summery and still comforting. Great recipe!!

  3. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (11)

    Meg @ With Salt and Wit Reply

    Gnocchi is the exception to all pasta. I adore it in any fashion. then you went and added corn. So you know what I am indulging in for dinner!

  4. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (12)

    jessica Reply

    can you mail this to me when i’m recovering in the hospital? or i guess i could just make it, but the mail thing seems much more convenient. looks BOMB!

  5. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (13)

    Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie Reply

    Minus the (sh*t take those out of my food) mushrooms and I’m all over this!

    • Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (14)

      Cate Reply

      Ha! Same! :)

  6. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (15)

    Sarah | Broma Bakery Reply

    Need it want it gotta have it. This is a recipe that reminds me of my sister. She loves cooking with heaps and piles of veggies, but gives them so much flavor that you forget how good it is for you. Passing along this recipe to her now :)

  7. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (16)

    Bella B Reply

    This looks delicious! I have a recipe going on my blog tomorrow with gnocchi, corn and arugula. I love fresh corn season!

    xoxoBella |

  8. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (17)

    Cate Reply

    This looks delicious. Any suggestions for a mushroom substitute? I’m allergic :(

  9. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (18)

    Monica @ Mocha and Moccasins Reply

    Oh yum! I need this in my life right now… for breakfast.

  10. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (19)

    Biz Reply

    I am doing a happy dance right now Jessica because my 23 year old daughter would LOVE this meal! While I love meat, meat and more meat, um, somehow I spit out a child who doesn’t love it like me.

    Can’t wait to make this for her – I’ll tag the sh*t out of you when I do. :D


  11. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (20)

    Chelsea@TableForOne Reply

    I definitely am in need of a hug in a bowl! Haha…too cute. I am in love with those mini gnocchi. I haven’t seen them before, but I will definitely be on the lookout now.

  12. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (21)

    This is my favorite kind of summer hug! No sweat included. Looks great Jess!

  13. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (22)

    L:aura Reply

    sh*t takes!!! HA! Your mom sounds amazing. I want a big bowl of this gnocchi for lunch! I wish corn season would last forever!

  14. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (23)

    Paige Reply

    That grilled corn is making my mouth water! I wish I was eating this for lunch today!


  15. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (24)

    Liz @ Floating Kitchen Reply

    YES to corn in all the things. I’m still inhaling grilled corn and putting it in everything. So so good. And I am most certainly too sweaty for a real summer hug, so I’ll take this skillet instead!

  16. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (25)

    Nicki Reply

    Need. Want. NOW. I’ve totally got gnocchi in my pantry, now just to get all the other ingredients!!

  17. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (26)

    Gabriel @ The Dinner Special podcast Reply

    I can never get enough corn and I can never get enough gnocchi. And to put all these wonderful things in a skillet, together? I can’t even think right now.

  18. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (27)

    Nicole @ Young, Broke and Hungry Reply

    Sweet corn plus gnocchi plus cheese AND half and half! It likes you reached into my brain and created my perfect skillet dish.

  19. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (28)

    Jill Reply

    I’ve made something similar to this, so I will definitely be trying! I will probably prepare the gnocchi my fave way though. Heat a little oil in a skillet, toss in the gnocchi straight from the package, crisp it for about 4 minutes on each side until it’s golden. Gives it a great crispy, chewy texture.

  20. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (29)

    Jessie @ Chasing Belle Reply

    Oh this looks so good! I love gnocchi and haven’t found that many combinations of items to cook it with. This one will inspire me to seek out more!

  21. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (30)

    Christine @ Dimes & Donuts Reply

    This sounds and looks amazing! I totally need it!

  22. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (31)

    michelle fan | chasing bagels Reply

    this looks sssssooooooo sunny and incredible. everything about grilled corn just screams summer, which is so welcome right now because I am seeing brown leaves and pumpkins in places where they should not be yet and I am not ready for it at all.

  23. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (32)

    dc Reply

    Yum! I know what dinner Sunday night is going to be! Thanks for sharing!

    • Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (33)

      Amy Reply

      Made this tonight and OH MY GOODNESS so good. My husband was skeptical but he loved it! We paired it with grilled chicken & it was the perfect summer dinner!

  24. Pingback: Loving Lately | Supper Thyme Stories

  25. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (34)

    Stephanie R Reply

    I made this last night for dinner and it was amazing!! My hubby even said it was better than the gnocchi he had last week from our favorite Italian restaurant. Thanks for another killer recipe Jessica!!

  26. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (35)

    Jeri Reply

    This has been the best corn summer in years, so please keep them coming. I love the idea of crunchy corn with soft gnocchi. I never would have thought of putting them together, but I can already tell I’ll need to make a double batch.

  27. Pingback: Fun Five Friday

  28. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (36)

    Kari Reply

    Gnocchi is one of my favorites. I love the idea of pairing it with summer corn.

  29. Pingback: . link love 8/23 . - . running with spoons .

  30. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (37)

    Rebecca Reply

    Made this tonight for dinner. Was really good. Don’t like mushrooms so took those out and added in bacon and asparagus. Thanks for the recipe!

  31. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (38)

    mascasa Reply

    ¡Fantástica receta! Fácil de elaborar con buenas fotografías y un resultado delicioso. Gracias por compartirla con todos/as.

  32. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (39)

    Karen Reply

    this was amazing. thank you so much for sharing!! even my teenager loved it!

  33. Pingback: 35/52 | Love Song for the Adventurous Heart

  34. Pingback: What do you think? | My Bizzy Kitchen

  35. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (40)

    Lindsay C Reply

    Made this last night with my boyfriend. O. M. G. Delish!!! Our mouths were watering and we stuffed way more food in our bellies than we should have! We added zucchini from our garden, a red bell pepper, and some chicken sauteed in chipotle paste! Ah-mazing. Pretty much want to eat this every day for the rest of my life. Thank you!!!

  36. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (41)

    Christine Reply

    We made this and had a little bit of a problem getting it from the skillet to the plates. Eat at the table? Not tonight, people!

  37. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (42)

    Lauren Rose Reply

    Oh, yum! This was absolutely incredible. My husband declared that this was “hands down, the best thing you’ve ever made!” Thank you for another fantastic recipe.

  38. Pingback: Tuesday Lately 8.29.15 - The Foodie Patootie

  39. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (43)

    Emily @ Life on Food Reply

    Hello dinner! Love it when I find something and I just happen to have everything in the kitchen already.

  40. Pingback: Foodie Favorites - September 2, 2015 - My Bacon-Wrapped Life

  41. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (44)

    Lindsay C Reply

    I’ve decided that you should make a version of this dish for every season. Yes! Fall skillet gnocchi, anyone?

    • Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (45)

      Lindsay C Reply

      Soo I decided this needed to happen and made a Fall-ish version tonight. Yum!!! I followed your instructions, except subbed the mushrooms out for: cubed butternut squash, zucchini, and cauliflower. I added shredded chicken and of course kept the gnocchi, corn, parmesan, and half and half the same. So good!! I am pretty sure I could eat this dish or a variation of it every. single. day.

  42. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (46)

    Allison Reply

    Just made this for dinner. Delicious. Will be making again. and again. and again. Just ordered your cookbook and can’t wait for it to arrive!

  43. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (47)

    Kim Reply

    Amazing! Even my picky husband loved it. Thank you.

  44. Pingback: Friday’s pieces – Rosebud‘s Quilts

  45. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (48)

    Witgoedreparatie Hoorn Reply

    This sounds very creative and amazing as well! a must try for me

  46. Pingback: Meatless Monday #2 – A Practical Diva's Guide

  47. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (49)

    Julie Reply

    Dinner. Tonight. Can’t. Wait.

  48. Pingback: What do you think? - My Bizzy Kitchen

  49. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (50)

    Molly G Reply

    Oh. My. Gosh. This recipe is phenomenal! My whole family LOVED this. We literally licked the pan clean :) We can’t wait to make it again!

  50. Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (51)

    Dorothy Reply

    I made steak when I grilled the corn for an earlier meal in the week. So I tossed the leftover steak in with this and it was delish!!!

Summer Skillet Gnocchi. (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.