The Kansas K-40 form is a critical document for individual taxpayers in Kansas, serving as the primary vehicle for filing state income taxes. It encompasses a comprehensive range of data points, including personal information, income details, deductions, and credits, imperative for accurately processing state tax obligations. Residents, part-year residents, and nonresidents must carefully navigate its sections to ensure compliance and optimize their tax outcomes. For those ready to tackle their state tax filings, click the button below to fill out your Kansas K-40 form confidently.
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Kansas K 40 Form PDF Details
Embarking on the tax season, residents of Kansas approach the formidable task of reconciling their yearly finances with the Kansas Department of Revenue through the use of the Kansas K-40 form. This crucial document serves as the foundation for filing individual income taxes within the state, encompassing a range of information designed to accurately assess one's tax liability or refund potential for the year. It carefully navigates through personal information, adjusting for any changes in residency or familial status, including the poignant note of a taxpayer or spouse's passing within the assessed year. The form delves into one's financial life with details on income, modifications, deductions, and credits, anchoring on the federal adjusted gross income as a starting point. Unique to Kansas, the food sales tax credit offers relief to residents meeting specific criteria, highlighting the state's acknowledgment of living costs’ impact on its populace. Alongside, the form walks through a raft of potential credits and deductions, from taxes paid to other states, childcare expenses, to refundable tax credits, underpinning the state’s tax system's complexity. Moreover, the inclusion of the option to donate to community programs through tax refunds reflects a bridge between individual tax responsibilities and community support. This amalgam of information and choices encapsulates the breadth of what the Kansas K-40 form represents for taxpayers, standing as a vital checkpoint in the financial year.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Kansas K 40 Form |
Form Length | 2 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 30 sec |
Other names | k40 form kansas income tax, k kansas tax, kansas k 40 form, 40 kansas tax |
Form Preview Example
Your First Name | Initial | Last Name | ||||
Spouse’s First Name | Initial | Last Name | ||||
Mailing Address (Number and Street, including Rural Route) | School District No. | |||||
City, Town, or Post Office | State | Zip Code | County Abbreviation | |||
If your name or address has changed since last year, mark an “X” in this box.
If taxpayer (or spouse if filing joint) died during this tax year, mark an “X” in this box.
Enter the first four letters of your last name. Use ALL CAPITAL letters.
Your Social
Security Number
Enter the first four letters of your spouse’s last name. Use ALL CAPITAL letters.
Spouse’s Social
Security Number
Amended | If this is an AMENDED 2020 Kansas return mark one of the following boxes: | |
Return | Amended affects Kansas only | |
(MARK ONE) | Amended Federal tax return |
Adjustment by the IRS
Filing Status
Married filing joint
(Even if only one had income)
Married filing separate
Head of household (Do not mark if filing a joint return)
Residency Status
(Complete Sch. S, Part B)
(Complete Sch. S, Part B)
Exemptions and Dependents
Enter the total exemptions for you, your spouse (if applicable), and each person you claim as a dependent.
If filing status above is Head of household, add one exemption.
Total Kansas exemptions.
Enter the requested information for all persons claimed as dependents. Do NOT include you or your spouse. Enclose separate schedule if necessary.
Name (please print) | Date of Birth (MMDDYY) | Relationship | Social Security Number | ||||
Food Sales Tax Credit
You must have been a Kansas resident for ALL of 2020. Complete this section to determine your qualifications and credit.
A. | Had a dependent child who lived with you all year and was under the age of 18 all of 2020? | YES | NO | |||||||
B. Were you (or spouse) 55 years of age or older all of 2020 (born before January 1, 1965)? | YES | NO | ||||||||
....................C. Were you (or spouse) totally and permanently disabled or blind all of 2020, regardless of age? | ||||||||||
YES | NO | |||||||||
If you answered “No” to A, B, and C, STOP HERE; you do not qualify for this credit. | ||||||||||
D. If you answered “Yes” to A, B, or C, enter your federal adjusted gross income from line 1 of this return. | 00 | |||||||||
If line “D” is more than $30,615, STOP HERE; you do not qualify for this credit. | ||||||||||
E. Number of exemptions claimed | ||||||||||
F. | Number of dependents that are 18 years of age or older (born before January 1, 2003) | |||||||||
G. | Total qualifying exemptions (subtract line F from line E) | |||||||||
Food Sales Tax Credit (multiply line G by $125). Enter the result here and on line 18 of this form | ||||||||||
H. | 00 |
Mail to: Kansas Income Tax, Kansas Dept. of Revenue PO Box 750260, Topeka, KS
ENTER AMOUNTS IN WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY | 114220 | ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 1. | Federal adjusted gross income (as reported on your federal income tax return) | 1 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
Shade the box for | 2. | Modifications (from Schedule S, line A18; enclose Schedule S) | 2 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
negative amounts. | |||||||||||||||||||
3. | Kansas adjusted gross income (line 2 added to or subtracted from line 1) | 3 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Example: | |||||||||||||||||||
Deductions | 4. | Standard deduction OR itemized deductions (if itemizing, complete Part C of Schedule S) | 4 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
5. | Exemption allowance | ($2,250 x number of exemptions claimed) | |||||||||||||||||
5 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||||
6. | Total deductions (add lines 4 and 5) | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||||
7. | .......................................Taxable income (subtract line 6 from line 3; if less than zero, enter 0) | 7 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Tax | 8. | Tax (from Tax Tables or Tax Computation Schedule) | 8 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
Computation | 9. Nonresident percentage (from Schedule S, line B23; or if 100%, enter 100.0000) | 9 | |||||||||||||||||
10. | Nonresident tax (multiply line 8 by line 9) | 10 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
11. | Kansas tax on lump sum distributions (residents only - see instructions) | 11 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
12. | TOTAL INCOME TAX (residents: add lines 8 & 11; nonresidents: enter amount from line 10) | .. | 12 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
Credits | 13. | Credit for taxes paid to other states (see instructions; enclose return(s) from other states) | 13 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
14 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||||
14. | Credit for child and dependent care expenses (residents only - see instructions) | ||||||||||||||||||
15. | Other credits (enclose all appropriate credit schedules) | 15 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
16. | Subtotal (subtract lines 13, 14 and 15 from line 12) | 16 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
17. | Earned income tax credit (from worksheet on page 8 of instructions) | 17 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
18. | Food sales tax credit (from line H, front of this form) | 18 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
19. | .......Tax balance after credits (subtract lines 17 and 18 from line 16; cannot be less than zero) | 19 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Use Tax | 20. | Use tax due (out of state and internet purchases; see instructions) | 20 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
21. | Total tax balance (add lines 19 and 20) | 21 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Withholding | 22. | Kansas income tax withheld from | 22 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
23. | Estimated tax paid | 23 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
and | |||||||||||||||||||
Payments | 24. | Amount paid with Kansas extension | 24 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
If this is an | 25. | Refundable portion of earned income tax credit (from worksheet, page 8 of instructions) | 25 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
AMENDED return, | .... | ||||||||||||||||||
complete lines | 26. | ................................................................................................Refundable portion of tax credits | 26 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
27 and 28 | 27. | Payments remitted with original return | |||||||||||||||||
27 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||||
28. | Overpayment from original return (this figure is a subtraction; see instructions) | 28 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
29. | Total refundable credits (add lines 22 through 27; then subtract line 28) | 29 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Balance | 30. | Underpayment (if line 21 is greater than line 29, enter the difference here) | 30 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
Due | 31. | Interest (see instructions) | 31 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
32. | Penalty (see instructions) | 32 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
33. | Estimated Tax Penalty | Mark box if engaged in commercial farming or fishing in 2020 | 33 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
34. | ...........AMOUNT YOU OWE (add lines 30 through 33 and any entries on lines 37 through 43) | 34 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
Overpayment | 35. | Overpayment (if line 21 is less than line 29, enter the difference here) | 35 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
You may donate to | 36. | CREDIT FORWARD (enter amount you wish to be applied to your 2021 estimated tax) | 36 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
any of the programs | 37. | CHICKADEE CHECKOFF (Kansas Nongame Wildlife Improvement Program) | 37 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
on lines 37 through 43. | |||||||||||||||||||
The amount you enter | 38. | SENIOR CITIZENS MEALS ON WHEELS CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM | 38 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
will reduce your refund | 39. | BREAST CANCER RESEARCH FUND | 39 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
or increase the amount | |||||||||||||||||||
you owe. | 40. | MILITARY EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND | 40 | 00 | |||||||||||||||
41. | KANSAS HOMETOWN HEROES FUND | 41 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
42. | KANSAS CREATIVE ARTS INDUSTRY FUND | 42 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||
43 | 00 | ||||||||||||||||||
43. | LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTRIBUTION FUND School District Number | ||||||||||||||||||
44. | REFUND (subtract lines 36 through 43 from line 35) | 44 | 00 |
I authorize the Director of Taxation or the Director’s designee to discuss my return and enclosures with my preparer. I declare under the penalties of perjury that to the best of my knowledge this is a true, correct, and complete return.
Signature of taxpayer | Date | Signature of preparer other than taxpayer | Phone number of preparer |
Signature of spouse if Married Filing Joint | Tax preparer’s EIN or SSN: |
ENCLOSE any necessary documents with this form. DO NOT STAPLE.
How to Edit Kansas K 40 Form Online for Free
Whenever you need to fill out 40 kansas tax, you won't need to download any applications - just give a try to our online PDF editor. Our editor is consistently developing to deliver the very best user experience attainable, and that is thanks to our dedication to constant development and listening closely to customer comments. To get the process started, consider these basic steps:
Step 1: Hit the orange "Get Form" button above. It will open up our pdf editor so you can begin filling out your form.
Step 2: With this handy PDF editor, you're able to do more than simply fill in blank form fields. Try each of the functions and make your documents seem great with customized textual content put in, or adjust the original input to perfection - all that supported by an ability to insert your own photos and sign it off.
When it comes to blank fields of this particular form, here's what you want to do:
1. To get started, when filling out the 40 kansas tax, start in the area that contains the subsequent blanks:
2. Right after completing the last part, go to the next part and fill in all required details in all these fields - Name please print, Date of Birth MMDDYY, Relationship, Social Security Number, Food Sales Tax Credit, You must have been a Kansas, A Had a dependent child who lived, YES, B Were you or spouse years of age, C Were you or spouse totally and, YES, YES, If you answered No to A B and C, D If you answered Yes to A B or C, and If line D is more than STOP HERE.
3. This next section should be pretty simple, ENTER AMOUNTS IN WHOLE DOLLARS ONLY, Income, Shade the box for negative amounts, Deductions, Tax Computation, Federal adjusted gross income as, Standard deduction OR itemized, Exemption allowance x number of, Total deductions add lines and, Tax from Tax Tables or Tax, Nonresident tax multiply line by, Credits, Credit for taxes paid to other, Credit for child and dependent, and Other credits enclose all - every one of these fields must be filled in here.
4. Filling out Withholding and Payments, If this is an AMENDED return, Balance Due, Overpayment, You may donate to any of the, Food sales tax credit from line H, Estimated tax paid Amount paid, Refundable portion of earned, Refundable portion of tax credits, Payments remitted with original, Interest see instructions, Penalty see instructions, Estimated Tax Penalty, Mark box if engaged in commercial, and AMOUNT YOU OWE add lines through is essential in this next part - don't forget to be patient and be mindful with every empty field!
5. To wrap up your document, the particular part includes several additional fields. Filling in You may donate to any of the, The amount you enter will reduce, CREDIT FORWARD enter amount you, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH FUND, MILITARY EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND, LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, REFUND subtract lines through, Signatures, I authorize the Director of, Signature of taxpayer, Date, Signature of preparer other than, Phone number of preparer, Signature of spouse if Married, and Tax Preparers PTIN EIN or SSN should wrap up the process and you'll be done very quickly!
Always be really attentive while completing Signature of taxpayer and LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, because this is the part where a lot of people make errors.
Step 3: Prior to submitting this file, it's a good idea to ensure that all blanks are filled out properly. Once you think it's all good, click on “Done." Acquire the 40 kansas tax once you register at FormsPal for a free trial. Conveniently use the pdf from your FormsPal account, together with any modifications and changes being automatically kept! FormsPal is dedicated to the personal privacy of all our users; we always make sure that all information handled by our system continues to be confidential.
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